Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)MSW
Transfer Station operations have been the core focus for SSI Compaction Sytems since it's inception.

Facility operators consistenty turn to SSI for:

  • Maintaining a clean, efficient, and safe facility;
  • Reducing handling and transportation costs;
  • Maximizing payloads; and
  • Integrating green / sustainable technology
SSI Compactor Solutions for MSW

Transfer Stations less than 300 Tons Per Day

SSI Pre-Load 2500

Transfer Stations more than 300 Tons Per Day

SSI Pre-Load 4500

Paper Recycling Paper Recycling
Material recovery facilities (MRF"s) are beginning to see the advantages of utilizing large volume pre-compaction technology to offset todays ever rising processing costs.

SSI Compactors eliminate added expense of:

  • Bale storage and handling
  • Trailer load out time
  • Bailing wire costs
  • Additional material handling equipment & labor
SSI Compactor Solutions for Paper Recycling

SSI Pre-Load 2500

Scrap Metal Recycling Scrap Recycling
Metal scrap yards and processors have discoverd the versatility and cost savings associated with both stationary and mobile compaction technology.

Advantages of compacting Metal Scrap include:

  • Reduce staging area
  • Quicker, more efficient trailer loading
  • Bale densities maximized for auto shredders
SSI Compactor Solutions for Scrap Recycling

SSI 2500 SC (Stationary)

SSI 1800 MSC (Mobile)